數學 + 科學組合7折優惠!進一步了解
KooBits使用全球備受好評的模型思考法以簡明方式來教授基本數學概念。KooBits teaches basic maths concepts in an easy-to-understand way with the world's best Singapore Model Math Method.
通過可視化數學模型增進理解,而非死記硬背。Improve understanding through visualization and modeling instead of memorization.
更少壓力並更多動力天天練習數學,無需父母督促。Less stress and more motivation to practice math every day, without nagging from parents.
每天僅花20分鐘,良好學習習慣就此開始。20 minutes is all your child needs to start a healthy practice routine.
KooBits 香港數學課程範例